• diy,  plant propagation


    perfect, ripe, delicious pineapples are in no short supply here in Hawaii, even in the time of the rona. our very first days here we purchased one and took a few adorable naked baby on the beach pictures with it…

  • life


    one of my favorite and most awe inspiring sights while living in Japan was the “mama-chari”. some were simple like mine, some had a seat on the back as well as a seat between the handle bars. i once saw…

  • small business

    continuing education

    this post title may be misleading. i am referring to my personal continuing education in life in general. after my daughter was born i wanted to capture every second of her existence. i thought I was doing a great job…

  • diy,  plant propagation


    one of the top reasons i find friends and family kill their indoor plants is that they show them too much love and attention. the second reason is actually the complete opposite, like forgetting to water them. ***this post contains…

  • life


    this was my fear with committing to a blog, going quiet. this last week we have accomplished so much in our home and just by chilling and being together as a family. but the blog went quiet. i’ll keep this…

  • diy

    beach combing

    we have gotten so lucky for our short time we get to live in hawaii, we get to live on historic and iconic pearl harbor. admittedly we are not beach people. we love the water and we hated the sand.…

  • small business

    taylor made

    as a stand alone business, Taylor Made Embroidery would be impressive enough. but as a side gig for owner Kim Ramey, i am always so thrilled at the wonderful ideas and products she has available. on top of her instagram…

  • diy,  plant propagation

    slice of paradise

    in the 80’s, my aunt was a travel agent and took many tour groups to hawaii every year. she fell in love with the plant life and one of the easiest ways to get a slice of that back home…

  • life

    i probably shouldn’t say this

    knowing this will come off wrong, i am thankful for the COVID-19 pandemic. this does not mean i want people sick and dying. this doesn’t mean i am not sensitive to those who have lost their jobs and so much…

  • life

    diving in

    getting started is the hardest part.  inspired by all of the amazing small businesses and home based business owners surrounding me in my life as a military spouse, i decided to finally take the leap.  @transplantingflora 5 years ago as…